Supernova! At the end it becomes a blackhole. And then absorb everything. But where is the exit?
超新星! おしまいはブラックホールだ。そしてすべてを飲み込む。だけど何所に出る?
Supernova! At the end it becomes a blackhole. And then absorb everything. But where is the exit?
超新星! おしまいはブラックホールだ。そしてすべてを飲み込む。だけど何所に出る?
I opened my gallery " Color Vortex *X " on OnCyber. Please visit if you are interested.
The exhibit will be updated in the future.
Moving in the gallery (ギャラリー内の移動)
I am constructing a gallery “Color Vortex *X” on OnCyber. It will open soon.
OnCyberでギャラリー ”Color Vortex *X” を構築しています。近いうちにオープンします。
I will briefly write down how to create OnCyber.
If you can connect to OpenSea with MetaMask, you can log in to OnCyber immediately.
After logging in, select your favorite gallery from World Builder. I chose the free gallery.
Select Gallery to enter the gallery. In it, the areas where works are displayed are indicated by black squares. Clicking on, it will connect to OpenSea and display a list of your works. Please select your favorite work and display it.
Please note that it is difficult to determine the position (height) of the work from the wall. I adjusted it while checking the height from just above the surface of the wall.
It's great to be able to freely display my work.
OnCyber の作り方を簡単にメモしておきます。
ログインしたらWorld Builderから好きなギャラリーを選んでください。わたしは無料のギャラリーを選びました。
What's on the other side?
Can you overcome the invisible wall?
It takes courage.
Using Levi flight pattern.
Levy flight is a random walk with non-integer dimensions and an anomalous diffusion.
It is known as a model that represents the distribution of stars and microorganisms. The distribution of Levy flights is non-uniform and fractal.
このLevy 飛行の分布は不均一でフラクタルです。
Example of a program I created are shown as follows. わたしが作ったプログラムでの例を以下に示します。粒子の色や大きさスケールを変えることができます。
n=10,000 Point size=2 px Dimension=0.8 Scale=2 times
How should I chenge from now on? Something is missing.
I think I'll try using Levy flight.