
Uploading images from your mobile to Twitter (ツイッターにスマホから画像をアップする方法)

 When uploading images from "Gallery folder" or "Photo folder" in your mobile to Twitter, if you upload private images by mistake, you will be in big trouble. Also, if you put a lot of images on your mobile, the memory of your mobile may be squeezed.

So I'm uploading it from "Google Drive" to Twitter. Here's how to do it. In advance, it is necessary to be able to access Twitter from a mobile.

① Install Google Drive on your computer. Free up to 15G. If you reduce the image size appropriately, it will fit quite well.

② Download and install the Google Drive app from Google Play on your mobile.

③ Check if you can log-in with the Google Drive ID and password on your computer from your mobile.

④ Log-in to Google Drive on your computer and click New on the upper left to upload the image file to Google Drive.

⑤ Log-in to Google Drive from your mobile and check if you can see the image on your computer.

⑥ If you can see it, click a new image you want to upload to Twitter from your mobile to enlarge it.

⑦ Click the three dots on the top right and click "Send a Copy".

⑧ If you find a Twitter Bird, click it and the posting screen for that account will appear with the image already entered. If you write a comment and post it, the image will be uploaded to Twitter.

⑨On the Twitter profile screen, if the image appears translucent while uploading, you can select "Continue" and in most cases it will be fine. If not, please "Cancel" and try again.

Normally, you select an image from the Twitter posting screen. In that case you run the risk of sending other unrelated images. 

 However, in the method described above, you can enter the Twitter posting screen from the click of the image. You will put only images for posting, the risk of sending them by mistake will decrease.















Transforming_my_Mind #8 (変容スル心 #8)

 Original  my image. Filtered this.


At first, I applied a black gradation to the central scar.


But I didn't like it so I changed it to a red gradient.


 Ache! Ache!
This wound will never heal.

 痛い! 痛い!

 ↓ Please see my NFT works on OpenSea.



Decrease in Twitter followers (ツイッターのフォロワーの減少)

Recently, the number of my Twitter followers is steadily decreasing. I think we lost about 200-300 people.

When I checked with the Twitter analysis tool "Follow Check", I found that the person I had followed had been unfollowed. I should be the only one who can unfollow. Why? Twitter  probably canceled it. Additionally, some followers were unreachable. Also, some people have zero followers.

The reason why my followers have decreased because of these things is that there are quite a lot of people who have left Twitter or have been frozen. I have no choice.

It seems necessary to consider that the number of followers will decrease by about 20%.






Transforming_my_Mind #7 (変容スル心 #7)

 My new NFT in Opensea

Transforming_my_Mind #7

Come. Come here.
I'm waiting for you. 

↓ Please see my NFT works on OpenSea.


Transforming_my_Mind #7




Blue screen with Windows 10 update

  I needed a backup of my PC, so I decided to pull out my old computer and use it.

The OS of this PC was 2004 with Windows 10 and support was cut off quite old. For updating, I clicked the update assistant of Windows10 (22H2) from the Microsoft page and executed it, but it stopped on the way.

I thought that it was due to the antivirus software Mcafee, so I uninstalled Mcafee. For safety, the virus check is running the antivirus software attached to Windows.

Next, I downloaded ISO image of the Windows 10 to ensure the update. I clicked setup.exe in the downloaded folder. The installation was successful this time.

And I successfully signed in to my account, but got a blue screen. I can't do anything for this.

In order to check the system, I created an account with a password using powershell with administrator privileges( administrator account is alive ). This command is

  net user xxx password /add

, where xxx is account name and password is password phrase.

As a result, I was signed in correctly with this account and there seemed to be no problems.

It seems that the account before the update was broken for some reason. After doing some research online, I figured that a user profile of problematic account was corrupted.

Therefore, as a preliminary preparation, the problematic account was backed up the entire folder using an administrator for repair. To find the user profile in question, right-click the Windows logo on the taskbar and select "System".  And do the following steps:

 System -> Detailed information -> Detailed system information -> Advanced settings - User profile

I deleted the user profile of question account and restarted my computer.

The sin-in went well this time. Finally, restore the required files from backup. If you overwrite all backup files to a new folder, the blue screen appeared again. So if there was the same file when copying, it was skipped.

I am now able to sign in successfully. Some don't have desktop icons, but I made them appear manually.

It's working fine now.

The above is just a record of my personal work. Please do your due diligence before actually doing it. At your own risk.



OSがWindpus10の2004でだいぶ古くサポートが切れていいました。とりあえず、マイクロソフトのページからWondows10 22H2にする更新アシスタントをクリックして実行しましたが途中で止まってしまいました。





  net user アカウント名 パスワード /add













Transforming_my_Mind #6 (変容スル心 #6)

 My new #NFT

 Heavy, heavy!. I can't take it anymore. Because it defies gravity.

The image in the center is part of the P5131910.

↓ Please see my NFT works on OpenSea.

重い、重い! もう耐えられない。 重力に逆らったせいだ。

Transforming_my_Mind #6